Friday, September 21, 2012

Hello Fall, We Meet Again..

Tomorrow is my Dad's 61st birthday. It is also the first day of Fall. I have never been a huge fan of anything less than 75 degrees. Most people think Fall is so beautiful with the changing leaves, the brisk mornings, the cool evenings. Not me. I know exactly what it's up to. Trying to distract you from that fact that winter is quickly approaching. The leaves are annoying as they get ALL over my car and the morning dew ensures they stick on my windows. The brisk mornings force me to put the heat on on my way to work. The cool nights deter me from venturing out of my house once I'm home from work. I've always been cold, my natural state of comfort is typically a few degrees higher than what most people find comfortable. As I'm typing this, my hand are freezing. I've always rather be too hot than too cold because when you're cold, it's miserable, the numbing freeze, the cold nose, the chill that makes your bones ache.

I'm trying to get in all the fun I can before the cold hits full force. Last week we went to a super nice dinner at 90 Acres which is a beautiful 500 acre plot of land tucked away in the serene mountain backdrop that somehow manages to exist in New Jersey. It's surrounded by farm and wildlife and most everything they use in the kitchen can be found on the you a new light to look at the deer in when you're driving up. The dinner was so delicious,the wine was on point, and the cocktails were strong. I absolutely loved it and am itching for having a good reason to go back.

The following day, we had a "end of summer" get together at our house. We love hosting and since this summer was so busy with travelling, we decided to do one last event where we can use the grill. It was lots of fun getting together with friends, eating good food, and drinking Pimm's Cup which is so delicious. I put Sprite Zero, cucumbers, strawberries, and mint in my creation. I fell in love with Pimm's in England and brought some back home with me. I attempted making popcorn on the stove for the first time. It was a success minus the part where the popcorn was too much for the pot. Guess this is a sign I need to invest in bigger cookware.

I usually tend to hole up and become a hermit when it's cold. Here's to hoping this is a mild winter. Although with my ankle length down coat, I feel a lot more prepared than in the past.

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