Thursday, September 13, 2012

Paris Sight Seeing 8/31

Friday was our main sight seeing day in Paris. We woke up and had breakfast at the hotel. Then we walked up to the Arc de Triomphe which is a stop on many tour buses. We hopped on one and off we went to get a broad overview of all the sites Paris had to offer. Unfortunately for us, it was super windy and we were dressed for a hot summer day. When that cold wind hit us, it was definitely not fun! We made the best of it and got to see everything I wanted. I really wanted to have a picnic in a park with a view of the Eiffel Tower but after dealing with the wind all afternoon, we decided to revise that plan to picnic on our balcony with macaroons, eclairs, cheesecake, bread, cheese, and of course, wine.

One of the things I wanted to do most while in Paris is go to the Pont des Art bridge. This particular bridge has a chain link fence running along and now, people come from all over to put a lock on the bridge with their and their significant other's names. Then you must throw the key into the Seine and BAM, you're together FOREVER! I immediately fell in love with this idea and was dead set on doing it. Kunal was a bit weary..which is understandable considering he's LOCKED to me for the rest of his life (insert evil laugh here)!

Flashback, it was 2004 and we were both juniors in high school. I went to a boarding school so our prom was always end of February/beginning of March. I didn't have a date.Luckily Kunal decided to go with me. We had always talked but we never really spend a lot of time together in person due to living 2.5-3hrs apart. Our prom was in a museum so it was definitely an interesting experience. The theme of the prom was "Passport to Paris."

Anyways, back to Paris. The bridge is right by the Louvre which was convenient. I made a huge deal about the lock which is definitely expected of me. I put all of our dates on it since we do love to celebrate every little thing.

01.04.09 was when Kunal officially asked me to be his girlfriend.
09.04.10 was when Kunal proposed to me.
10.07.11 was when Kunal and I had our civil ceremony
If we wanted to continue..
02.14.12 was when Kunal and I bought our first home and FINALLY
03.30.13 will be when Kunal and I have our wedding ceremony..but since we ran out of room, I only put the first three. Haha

After we were done sightseeing, we decided to do some shopping. Went to obscenely expensive store and bought things because 'hey, we're in Paris and we have Euros we don't want to convert back to pounds or dollars.'

For dinner we decided too late to dine at Eiffel Tower or on a boat cruise so they were completely booked out. Instead we settled for Chez Francis which has an AMAZING view of the Eiffel Tower. Go visit if you're ever in Paris. The evening was nice so we sat outside and enjoy the flickering lights of the Eiffel Tower over drinks, dinner, and dessert. It was a great end to a quick Paris getaway.

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