Wednesday, October 10, 2012

One Year Later

The musical Rent asked the question, "How do you measure a year?" and I"m sure everyone has a different answer. Rent proposed you can measure a year in daylights, sunsets, midnights, cups of coffees, etc. The top choice being love.

It's a been one whole year since Kunal and I signed our lives to each other in the tiny town of Conway, SC. We've had a pretty fantastic year. We're enjoying traveling as much as possible. We get to see friends fairly often. And most importantly, we're still just as obsessed as ever with spending time with one another.

So I guess I'll measure this past year in happiness. Happy that we're thriving in a tough economy. Happy that we're maturing together. Happy that we're enjoying our 20s with friends. Happy that we still see our families often. Happy that we're still happy. =)

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