Thursday, September 13, 2012

Family/Tourists 8/27-8/29

Monday after the reception we all gathered for breakfast at Kunal's foi's house before people had to go their separate ways. The food was amazing. She made this masala egg dish that I'm definitely going to attempt one day. Passion fruit is HUGE in England and I love passion fruit juice so that definitely won out over my love of a glass of milk with breakfast. After breakfast, we were going to going to Northampton to Kunal's ba's house where the family was all gathering. I hadn't spent much with Kunal's mom's side of the family so this was especially fun for me. I got to meet cousins and finally put names and faces together. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them again at the wedding.

Tuesday morning, we were off to South Hall to spend more time shopping..and of course, eat the infamous kebabs. When I say this place was a hole in the wall..I mean it was on the side of the road..on a BRIDGE. But I can definitely say they were amazing. After Kunal's kebab craving was satisfied, it was time to satisfy my desire for shopping. Went to a few stores and after not finding anything I liked, we decided to try one more store before calling it quits. And lucky for me we did because we found the prettiest, extraordinary outfit that is PERFECT for my reception!! Only 198 days until I get to wear it and act like a diva.

Kunal's parents were leaving the next day so we had a family dinner with all the aunts/uncles that night at a restaurant. It was delicious and after going weeks without good Indian good, it hit the spot. After dinner we went back to Kunal's uncle's house where all of our bags were. Since the only item on the agenda for Wednesday was a cousins dinner, we decided to go into London to be proper tourists.

After a breakfast of chai and digestives (the best biscuits ever) we hopped on the 'tube' and rode into London. Since I had never properly seen London, we decided the best thing to do would be a bus tour. We only had one day so I wanted the broad overview rather than focus on 1-2 things. I'll save that for another trip. The open top bus tour was fun, especially since the map hit everything I wanted to see. After seeing 3/4 of the sites, we were hungry and it was starting to drizzle. We picked a random pub by the Tower Bridge to hang out in until the rain let up. We finally had fish and chips and of course, some proper British beer.

One of the things I wanted to do was go to the "Ice Bar" which is a bar made entirely of ice, the cups, the benches, the bar itself! It was so touristy but something I wanted to experience. If you know me, you know how much I hate the cold so for me to be a willing participant, it must have really appealed to me.

Around 5pm, we were exhausted and decided to head home. We had to pack for Paris anyways and I wanted to get some of it done before we went to dinner. Dinner was at another Indian restaurant and as usual, the food was great. It was nice to have a relaxing dinner with everyone since during the wedding, everyone is on a schedule.

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