Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wedding 8/24-8/26

We're back in the States after our vacation aboard. It was such a whirlwind that I really can't believe it's over already. There was always something to do so the trip really did fly by. I'm happy to say that we came back with only 1 major thing left off my checklist of things to do/places to see. (Pretending that I'm going to Hogwarts at King's Cross)

We arrived Thursday evening and flew through customs which was quite nice. For dinner that night, we went to Nando's which is all the rage for people who don't live in England. Their sauce really is delicious and I wish I had gotten some bottles to bring home.

Friday we were off early morning to Leicester for the wedding festivities for the weekend. I had met most of Kunal's family before but it was so brief that this time it was time to be able to actually talk and connect with them. Friday was the first day of kebabs. Kunal rants and raved about how much he wants kebabs and sure enough after dinner, we went to a place to get some kebabs, sad to say they were disappointing.

The wedding took place about 2.5-3hrs south in a town called Portsmouth which is right on the tip of the country. We travelled in a gigantic double decker coach bus. Lucky for us we took over the front row on the top floor so it literally felt like we were floating down the highway. It was a cool experience considering how small the roads and cars are in England to be in a vehicle that really dominated the road. Since the groom was Kunal's cousin and the bride was related to Kunal's mom through some way I haven't quite put my finger on, literally everyone was there. I got to meet so many people from Kunal's mom and dad's side of the family. It was a bit overwhelming being introduced that I'm sure I've forgotten plenty of names. Since the wedding was so far, it was an all day event and by the time the coach arrived back at our hotel, we were exhausted and a bit hungry so off we went to KFC. I know we have KFC here in the States but the food there is a bit different. First of all, the chicken sandwiches are called burgers, which is a bit confusing. They gives 2 wings with every meal and there is no side of macaroni available. And we all know how much I LOVE my mac n cheese.

The reception was Sunday evening which left the entire day to do what we pleased..and for me and Kunal it was shopping and eating kebabs, respectively. We went to a kebab place with Kunal's parents, foi, fua, masi, and masa. These kebabs were definitely better than Friday night's but no where close to how much better they got as our trip went on. After lunch, we split up since the guys don't have a keen interest in shopping for Indian clothes and us ladies went shopping. I was looking for a reception outfit but nothing really stood out. I ended up buying a lengha to wear that evening to the reception because I really wasn't in the mood to put on a sari. The reception was loads of fun and it was nice to have an evening of drinking, eating, and dancing to celebrate the wedding. Kunal was the MC of the evening's program and he did a great job. I think everyone had a great time and it was a good end to a fun weekend.

Here is a picture of us from the reception that evening, we all ended up matching!

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