Friday, March 30, 2012

Car Insurance

The time has come. I am in the process of finally leaving the comfort of my parents' auto insurance to embark on a policy of my own. I never realized how expensive it would be. I would move to the only state where EVERYTHING is expensive. The latest quote I received for just me and my car was $1544/yr! that's almost as much as my parents pay for 3 drivers and 3 cars!!! Talk about crazy.

Alas, now that I'm a grown up, it is time to wean myself off of my parents support. First car insurance..then cell phone! Wish it was the other way around. I am itching to get a new phone, the iPhone to be precise and cannot wait until December when my contract is over. Okay back to topic.

Everyone says I should get auto insurance from the same person I have homeowner's insurance from. But I'm not so sure, I know that I get a discount but I feel like some insurance companie are better than other in regards to specific things. Don't want to name any names but I think I'll have to shop around a bit to get the coverage I want for the price I want. Our bills have definitely increased while our paychecks haven't. It's a bummer to not have as much disposable income as we're used to. But it's something we'll work on, we don't necessarily need to go shopping every weekend or out to dinner 2-3 nights a week.

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