Friday, March 2, 2012


After 2 weeks of living in our new home, we've got a routine down. It's nice although I feel like it definitely turns us into that full-fledged "old boring couple" that we were trying to avoid. But what can you do? It's nice to just hang out at home now that we have one. Watch TV together, unpack, brainstorm paint colors, look for furniture online, etc. On the weekends, we are not such homebodies, I promise!

If you recall an earlier post, I wrote about how I cannot stand Kunal's snoring and it keeps me awake. Well, somehow it has ceased to be a problem! We have yet to have a night where one of us goes to another room to sleep. I don't know how this happened. It's baffling.

If you know me, I try to reason EVERYTHING so here are my top 3 reasons:
1. Kunal stopped snoring because the air is better. Our apartment was quite stuffy and probably not the most pure of all the air we'd breath in.
2. I am less stressed about finding a house, getting approved for a mortgage, locking in a good interest rate, closing on time, etc so my mind can fully rest at night.
3.I am too tired from being cold downstairs that once I'm comfy, cozy, and warm in the covers, I immediately fall asleep until morning.

If I had to chose, I would pick #3 because it truly is exhausting being cold. It's about 68 degrees in our home and while the upstairs is great, it is so cold downstairs. I've put away my tshirts and pj shorts. Now I wear sweatpants and hoodies. I am brainstorming ways to make the downstairs not so cold. First on my list is getting the curtains that block out light, heat, AND cold. We had them in our apartment and most days, we didn't even run the air. Granted we have double the space now..but I think they will definitely help.

Other than the cold, our life is slowing developing into something resembling normalcy. I cook, Kunal takes out the trash. Sometimes I can convince him to do the dishes.We have a morning routine that we've perfected for not being in the other's way. A nightly routine of watching tv in bed until we fall asleep, which is probably my favorite part of the day (wow, we do sound super old there). Sometimes I still cannot believe we've bought our own place but it sure is a nice revelation.

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