Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Home Improvement Month

One month since we signed our closing papers. We don't really have much to show. Still haven't painted, still haven't bought furniture, and still haven't unpacked all the boxes! I guess I'll just have to make "slow and stead wins the race" my motto. Granted, we have been busy all weekends so far, but there are FIVE weekends in March! We need to take a hiatus from our friends so we can focus on our house. With that being said, I'm dedicating all of April to home improvement. We're painting the dining room/kitchen one color, and then the bedrooms upstairs. Not too much of an undertaking but good enough. This place doesn't really feel like "home" just yet. Mainly because we don't have pictures hanging up, little knick-knacks around. I don't want to fully unpack until we paint and get new furniture in here.

Painting and furniture is an entirely different topic that has caused many headaches and arguments. Like I said in a previous post, Kunal and I have extremely different decorating tastes. This doesn't help our decorating endeavor at all. We've decided to do the living room and guest room Kunal's way and have the master room and kitchen/dining room done my way. The kitchen is my "woman cave" after all, according to Kunal.

I've given Kunal free reign to turn our garage into his personal "man cave" since the rest of the house is basically my domain. I don't really know what all he can do in there..but if that means I can watch TV in peace, I'm all for it! We're giving ourselves a deadline of April's end in order to really turn this place around and get it together. We really want throw a housewarming for our friends to come see the place and celebrate this huge achievement with us. We're planning for early May so we have a goal to work towards. Wish us luck!

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