Saturday, April 7, 2012

Home Improvement Week

Well, it's only been a week into April even though it feels like a month. It's with much surprise that I can say the majority of our home improvement goals are done. I think we were still in the honeymoon stage of first time home ownership and we really wanted to do everything ourselves. After painting two walls, we quickly grew out of it. The next time we decide to paint, we're going to hire someone. I don't think it would have been SO bad if the previous owners did a decent job painting. All the light switches, outlets, trim, doors, hinges were ALL painted. Who paints over an electrical outlet? It was a big pain have to pry off the outlet plates. All the tedious tasks like that really burst our DIY bubble and make painting such a cynical chore. Luckily, we only have one wall of trim left to do in the guestroom and we'll be DONE!

I am quite pleased to say the new paint looks GREAT! I was apprehensive about Kunal's accent wall idea, but I really do like it. Definitely gives the room that wow factor. The only problem is that I'm not sure how to decorate it. Small battle to be dealt with later. We went furniture shopping so our home is completely furnished. I'm in love with our couch. I have designated "my spot" and when Kunal sits there, I channel a little bit of Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory" and get possessive. I'm sitting it in as I type. You have to see it, it's quite perfect. I took a nap in my spot yesterday, super comfy.

Once we are done with the trim, we just have to organize the dressers and bed, then we'll be completely done! I cannot wait for friends and family to come visit our new place. Especially since it is more and more like a home than ever before.

The rest of the month will be dedicated to putting the finishing touches everywhere. This will be a nice relaxing thing versus the agony of finalizing paint colors we both like. Or deciding between black and brown furniture. Sigh..the joys and pains of home ownership.

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