Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Eating like an Adult

I feel that one of the most important things that make a place a "home" is having a home cooked meal every night. This is something I always had growing up and now that I'm on my own, miss immensely. I've tried to instill this in my daily routine but some way or another, we usually end up going out to eat 2 or 3 times a week. Why botch up pad kee mao when my favorite Thai restaurant is just a 10 minutes drive? Did I mention it's BYOB?

With the help of my trusty planner (yes, I know I don't necessarily need one) I've started planning meals by the week. Even with this, I usually end up making something I'd make in college, grilled cheese, soup (at least it's homemade!), pasta. If I'm feeling fancy, maybe some grilled salmon and veggies. I've realized the root cause of my elementary meals is the fact I don't have a fully stocked kitchen. No fresh vegetables, onions, potatoes, etc. All the things I need to make a delicious grown up meal, I don't have. I pondered why...and came to the conclusion that things go bad so why buy them? I hate throwing away food because it's gone bad. Why does it go bad? Because I'm too busy eating out to actually make something with it.

Another thing that I do on the regular is pack my lunch from home. Same things almost every day, a cold cut sandwich. And every day, I feel like I'm in middle school with my packed lunch. I've realized I like hot food, a sandwich isn't going to cut it. Most people bring leftovers from last night's dinner. Unfortunately, I don't have leftovers b/c I don't cook! I don't want to buy lunch every day because most of the time, they don't have something I want. Although the quesadillas today looked AMAZING.  Maybe this is a new resolution, cook more legitimate meals so I will have leftovers for lunch the following day. We'll see what happens.

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