Monday, January 30, 2012

Interior Decorating

With the closing on our first home quickly approaching, I am getting more and more excited about decorating. Really making the townhouse a home that I will adore like no other. I've always been drawn to natural, homey comfy sort of home decorating. The problem arises when Kunal decided his ultimate designing needs include ultra modern furniture. He decorated the apartment by himself and everything is black with white, gray and red accent pieces. Don't get me wrong, it looks very nice...but it just isn't very homey to me.  I've managed to sneak some tan into the bathroom and our dining table is dark brown. But it doesn't flow with the two very conflicting design schemes at work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be old fashioned but warm colors make a home more of home than something modern. Being who we are, we have clutters everywhere; mail on the dining table, magazines on the coffe table, DVD's on the side table. I wouldn't call it mess but it definitely takes away from the modern feel where everything has a specific place. Also, if it helps my case, black furniture gets extremely dusty. Almost every day, there's dust and it's SUPER annoying to clean.

Who will win this decorating battle? I'm putting my money on myself personally. I can be quite dramatic when it comes to getting what  I want. I'm sure Kunal knows he won't have a major say in decorating until we move into a actual house and he'll have his 'man cave' while I have the rest of the house.

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