Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I've always loved blogs (probably because I used to have a xanga) and as one of my New Year's resolutions, I've decided to try to keep up with a blog. I've always been a bit aprehensive for a number of reasons. Am I funny enough? Will it be interesting? Is anyone actually going to read it? But oh well, here goes nothing! 

Anyways, back to resolutions. I always find them funny because typically people keep up with it for the first month and slowly it fades from memory. The most popular one must be "I will go to the gym at least X amount of days a week." I admit, I've tried that myself a few times, but now I know better. 

My second resolution is to cut back on the drinks. I feel as if I'm finally past the days of "Oh let's get drunk and go dancing" and I need to accept and incorporate it into my life. I've decided that only once a week I will drink. Whats the point in drinking so much you get sick or don't remember the night. I've had plenty of those and definitely not my cup of tea. Especially with my "old age" where I just can't party like I used to. 

Let's see how well I hold up on these resoluti
ons.The month is half over and so far, I've done pretty good on my minimize drinking resolution. Now let's work on the blogging one.

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