Saturday, January 21, 2012

Finding Some Alone Time

Kunal and I spent a lot, and I mean A LOT of time together. Grocery shopping? It takes two. Going to the mall? Need a second opinion.  The boys call for a quick trip to PA to gamble,  two seats please. Grab lunch with a friend? Table for three.

I really love spending time with Kunal. Considering our work schedules, we see each other in the morning when I say good bye to his royal sleepy head and then again when he gets home that evening. We barely talk during the day unless there's an emergency. So with that being said, on the weekends, you'll seldom find Kunal and I apart. Luckily after sharing 800 square feet for over a year, we still want to genuinely hang out with each other. I think the reason for this is because of the 2-3 hours when I have the place to myself before Kunal gets home. Thanks to my work schedule, I'm home by 4:30 at the latest every day. Kunal usually comes home around 6:30-7 on a good day. Those few hours where I can just relax and just watch TV or take a nap (shh don't tell) are amazing. I can cook and watch Netflix, I can watch the news (yea Kunal doesn't like watching the news). Because of this, I'm legitimately happy to see Kunal when he walks in through the door.

I've always wondered if he ever gets sick of me. The most alone time he gets is on his commute to and from work.  Usually every other week if not every week Kunal stays at a hotel near his office. I think it's his much needed break from me. In order to gear up for 48 hours of weekend time with me, he probably needs a night to himself to just relax without worrying about what I'm doing, what I want him to do, what I want us to do, etc. Yes, I can be hard to handle at times.

No matter the distance, we make sure we always say good night and (usually) good morning to each other. It's sort of our rule, I can't even remember the last time we didn't say good night, including trips to England (him) and India (me). Gotta love technology.

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