Thursday, January 19, 2012

Living with a Pet Peeve

Three years, two coconut exchanges and one legal ceremony later, I've found the one thing that makes me want to suffocate Kunal in his sleep. SNORING. I have never nor will I ever understand how a person can go from breathing normally one minute to snoring like a banshee the next. Nothing's changed except the fact that you're unconscious.  What is this magical trigger? I must find it..and break it!! Did I mention that I'm a super light sleeper? Sometimes during my naps in the living rooms, the ding from the elevator can wake me. On a windy night, I awaken to the wind howling outside, sucks being on the 18th floor sometimes. I barely slept through Hurricane Irene.

Sleep is something I cherish greatly. If I didn't feel like Kunal would judge me, I'd nap for an hour after work and then go to bed at 10:30 on top of that! Imagine how it feels to be denied that precious sleep that I so greedily want. Without fail, every night I'd wake up, usually around 4am to Kunal snoring up a storm next to me. This results me in poking, nudging and shoving the poor guy before I sigh (just loudly enough to cause him to stir) and retreat to the living room to catch that last few hours of sleep.

Many times as I try to fall back asleep, I find myself wondering how exactly this happened? Kunal never snored in college. Was I too tired to notice his snoring? Was he hiding it until it's too late!?!? Am I really stuck with having to sleep in a separate room to get a night of restful sleep? So many questions, how am I ever supposed to get back to sleep with all these unanswered questions? Sigh, dramatic much?

Kunal says the easiest thing to do is wear ear plugs. I don't even like headphones much, how would I manage a night with ear plugs? If they prevent me from hearing Kunal's snoring, would I also sleep through my alarm? Too many risks associated with ear plugs. No way am I trying that...on a week day.

For now, I'll cherish tonight since Kunal is tucked away at the Embassy Suites and I can enjoy a night of uninterrupted sleep.

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