Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wow January is over..

First of all, how is January almost over??? Didn't 2013 JUST get here??

Since Kunal is out in South San Francisco for work, it made perfect sense for me to go visit him one weekend instead of him coming home. Definitely fun to get out of NJ during this cold, dreary, miserable weather and go to the sunshine state. Friday Kunal had to go to the office and lucky for me, my cousin had the day off. She offered to pick me up in the morning and hang out which was great. We went down to Half Moon Bay to walk along the beach and had lunch at the Ritz Carlton as we enjoyed the ocean view from our seats. The coast in California is so different than the East. It's so rugged and full of cliffs and so very pretty. After lunch, we decided to go see some redwoods. In my naive East Coast mind, I was expecting to drive through some trees..no not the case in the part of California we were in. The redwoods we saw during our "hike" were rinky dink. Apparently I need to go way up north for those giant redwoods that I can drive through.
That evening, I got together with all my cousins for dinner. It was a great time and so nice to see family without having event upon event to attend. Usually the only time I see my cousins is for wedding purposes. I miss the times when we would have family reunions every summer and just get to truly enjoy each other's company.

On Saturday, we went to explore the Bay Area. We went to Cliff House which is so beautiful. and perched right there on top of a cliff overlooking the jagged rocks as they disappear into the ocean. Afterwards, we went to see the Golden Gate Bridge and then went to meet up with my old roommate from NCSSM and her fiancee at Caffe Delucchi. It was so nice to catch up after years! Crazy how time flies from when we were sharing a little room in Durham to having lunch on the other side of the country with our significant others. Then we made our way down to Fisherman's Wharf and took a boat cruse around the Bay and out into the Pacific which was great minus the wind. We drove on the "Crooked" part of Lombard Street and after Kunal got a little weary of the hills, we went home to relax and change for dinner. Dinner was phenomenal at Ozumo on the water with a great view of the bridge and the water. After dinner, we had a night cap at The View - Marriott and admired the city lights from up high. I have a thing where I must go to one of the highest points of cities and see the night lights. It's so serene to be so high and gaze upon the vast city that I'm in.

It was a great trip and I really enjoyed myself. I hope I get to go again sometime soon. I know that February is not likely but hopefully in March, there's a weekend open.

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