Thursday, January 31, 2013

Inner Ice Skater

This past weekend was Kunal's birthday weekend and it fell on a Saturday which was nice considering he's gone during the week. It wouldn't be fun to celebrate alone thousands of miles away from ME. =D

Friday, we went ice skating with friends. This isn't something we normally do but when there's a groupon involved, we'll do anything. I can't remember the last time I went ice skating and boy was it a lot scarier than I thought. I felt a few times which was a tad embarassing considering there were ton of little kids who acted like they were born with ice skated attached. It was definitely something different and a fun way to spend the evening. Although looking back on it, I'm sure the wine we consumed at dinner helped greatly with ability to see the fun. After we were done acting like 15 year olds, we decided to go to downtown New Brunswick to ring in Kunal's birthday with a drink. That one drink turned into a night of drinking and ended of course with us getting some pizza from Gio's on the way back home. Something about their buffalo chicken pizza that hits the spot when you need late night food.

Saturday was spend watching lots of college basketball and resting up for the night's activities. We had decided to celebrate Kunal's birthday in Hoboken this year and everyone got together for dinner and then we hit the local bars. Kunal got the best birthday present ever in NC State beating UNC. I was a bit sad but at least the birthday boy was smiling. How fitting that the first bar of the night was called Wicked Wolf.

I'm sure that after travelling every week, it was really nice to spend a weekend with friends. Sunday was a catch up day on laundry, grocery shopping, and work. And before I knew it, the weeknd was over! Now I'm starting to look forward to the work week because it's more restful and calm than the busy weekends we seem to be experiencing. We've done AC, San Fran, Kunal's birthday so far. We have the Superbowl this weekend, I'm going to MB next, after that is Anika's birthday, then my bachelorette in DC. I'll be looking forward to March 1st when we can have a nice relaxing weekend!

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