Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Regression to 2010

Back when Kunal and I were dating, it was always long distance. We'd get through the week with wakeup calls, goodnight calls and multiple texts/emails all day. On the weekends we saw each other, it was a whirlwind of staying out late, seeing friends, and minimal sleep. Once we moved in together, our weekends became a little bland; no more spontaneous activities popping up, no more staying up until the sun rises, no more going out every night. It was nice and I really enjoyed staying in, cooking a meal, watching a movie, spending all night in house shoes and sweat pants. I mean I don't have 3 blankets for my couch for nothing.

Now that Kunal is travelling for the work week, we only see each other on the weekends. This past weekend was a perfect example of what I didn't want to happen! We went out Friday night and ended up going to bed at 4am! Saturday, we watched the  NC State and Carolina basketball games at home before heaading out to watch the Ravens game with friends at a bar. After the game ended, we drove to AC for the night to gamble away. We went to bed a little earlier than the night before, at 2am. The following morning we gambled until 1pm and then drove home to watch some of the football game, only to leave the house again to have dinner with some friends. Once we returned home, we watched a movie and packed Kunal's bag since he will be gone for 2 weeks. I ended up going to bed around 1am. Sigh...

I love seeing my friends and doing things, but now I've become such a homebody. I like being at home, getting a chance to do some laundry, clean up a little, watch tv, etc. I neglected my house all weekend and now it's the work week and I don't want to have to clean after a long day. Looks like it's getting put off until next weekend...more like next month in reality. This coming weekend, I'm off to visit Kunal in San Francisco. The following weekend is Kunal's birthday which we are celebrating in Hoboken. Then, it's Superbowl Sunday which currently we have no plans for. Maybe we'll keep it that way and just watch the game at home.

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