Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas Blur

It's kind of hard to believe that the holidays are over already. They definitely flew by. It was weird having 4 day holidays followed by 3 work days. Maybe that's why it flew by because it just wasn't one big chunk of time. We spent a good chunk of time with family with was great because I was sad about not actually going home to see our families.

Having Rochani here was fun. Mainly because we could pick on Kunal as a team and we ate at really delicious places. We had Christmas Eve dinner at my aunt's house. It was fun since my other aunt was visiting from NC with her family. Christmas Day, we were homebodies and my relatives came over for some afternoon snacks. Wednesday it was back to work which wasn't the best way to end the holidays. Luckily my dad came up that night for the wedding of his friend's son. He was in and out as he visited with family and went to wedding activities. Friday we went  with him to the Valima. I was most excited for the food since Rasoi III has great food. Definitely did not let me down as I helped myself to more than enough Indian food.

On Saturday, we made our way to the city in the snow. We had brunch at a great spot called The Crooked Knife with Kunal's cousins. It was very delicious and I'm already looking forward to going back again soon. They have a brunch option for unlimited mimosas or bloody marys and an entree for $25 bucks. Obviously took advantage of that special.

After brunch, we all parted ways and us three made our way to our hotel to check in and drop our bags before we headed to Dave and Buster's for some grown up style arcade fun. I really like this place because well, one - who doesn't love arcade games, two - there's a bar, three- they have really awesome shot glasses in the store. Last time we went in Charlotte, we got these twisted shot glasses that is split down the middle so you can pour two things in it and it will mix in your mouth. They were a huge hit at our holiday party so we decided we needed to expand from 2 glasses up to 6 total.

After we tired ourselves out from playing games, we decided to go to the hotel and relax. We were going to a show that evening called How 2 B A New Yorker which included a buffet style Italian dinner with Sarah and her two sisters. I don't know about you but I love penne in vodka sauce! The show was definitely funny and the dinner was a nice plus for the cheapness of the ticket price. After the show, we all decided to go back to our hotel to hang out and catch up. It was lots of fun even though it was 6 people in a very tiny NYC hotel room. After a while, Sarah, her sisters and I headed out to go to R Bar. After the bar, we went to Crif Dogs to get some food. I had such an amazing hot dog, I am drooling as I think about it!

Sunday, my dad was off to Maryland/home so we left the city at a fairly decent time so we could get home in time to say bye. After he left, we met up with some friends at one of our favorite New Brunswick places, Brother Jimmys to catch up over what everyone had been up to over the holidays.

Rochani left Monday morning to go back home. I had scheduled Monday as my sleeping in day so I slept for as long as I could. Then I got ready and Kunal and I headed out to run errands. That evening we went to our friend's house for a NYE party. I am so glad they hosted one because I was so not interested in going to the city for it otherwise.

And then just like that, before I knew it, 2012 was over! What a whirlwind year it had been. There are a lot of things that I accomplished and still a few goals left for me to handle in 2013.

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