Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Family Visits

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city." Chaos is what happens when they come to visit.

This past weekend, Kunal and I solidified our grown up game by having a katha to bless our new home. I grew up with my family having kathas on a regular basis, especially when someone would move to a new place and that was something I wanted to continue. Granted Kunal and I had no idea what was going on or what we were saying as we poured water, flower petals, and rice over statues of deities. It was fun though, the mahraj understood we were newbies and was very patient with us. He explained what each thing signified so we weren't completely lost. While my legs lost feeling a few times, it was a good experience.

For the katha, our families came in from out of town and of course, stayed with us. There were a total of 10 people who somehow managed to fit and sleep somewhat comfortably. It was a huge slumber party that was super fun. We stayed up late, talked, joked, ate, the works. It was just want I needed after being miserable and homesick for the previous few weeks. Our dads joined forces and tackled our handyman problems like switching the electrical outlets and light switches. They put up a new light fixture in the kitchen, installed new shower heads, etc. It was great! Our moms made chai, cleaned, handled the kitchen. It was a nice break.

Kunal's cousin came with her daughter and it was fun having a little rugrat running around. She's quite adorable. Having everyone here really did put the icing on the cake of having the house feel like a home. I mean, we've had friends over but it's just not the same until you pack as many family members as possible for a weekend. Granted, we won't have this many people over for a long, long time, it was a great way to break in our home.

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