Thursday, April 26, 2012

Low Blow NJ, Low Blow

One of the most shocking things happened. Our car was stolen! Right out of our driveway! On a rainy Sunday night. Who does that???? Seriously one of the unsettling feeling I have had in a LONG time. I know I am melo-dramatic in general but this is crazy! I don't even feel safe in my home anymore when I'm alone..which has been never since we discovered the missing car. It's tragic to go from loving to come home, not caring if I'm alone to being extremely paranoid. I'm getting my car rekeyed tomorrow since there was a spare key in Kunal's. Hopefully that will be make me feel safer if there is no possible way anyone but me can get into my car.

On Monday, when this happened, I was just about ready to call it quits and figure out a way to move back home. NJ is definitely not like home and things like this definitely do not help make us feel any differently about this state. I keep telling myself it could have been worse, but this is still really sucky, sorry to sound like a middle schooler, but there isn't a better word for this situation. At least we have each other, to help with the homesickness, the problems that arise, the loneliness we feel. Who know how either one of us would have reacted if we were alone in this situation.

If there's a lesson we could learn from this, it's always double check the doors, never keep anything important in a car, and that it's us against the world. Knowing we have each other helps with the hardships of being so far away from everything and everyone we love. To quote a song by Tynisha Keli (that I just googled, haven't heard) yet, "Baby it 's you and me against the world It's ride or die till the very end."

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