Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Extreme Couponing

Growing up, my mom always clipped coupons and meticulously planned her weekly shopping trip to maximize quantity and minimize cost. It always amazed me the amount of money she saved. I am far too lazy to go through and clip coupons and plan out everything I'm going to buy. 9 times out of 10, I don't even look at the grocery store circular before going to grab what I need. I realize in order to save money efficiently, I need to shop around for the best sales and plan accordingly. Times like these make me miss my mom doing the grocery shopping.

We moved into our new home on Saturday. Since then, I've been watching the thermostat like a joke. I've been always a bit colder than I normally like since we moved. This is, for those that know me well, really odd because my perfect temperature is "toasty" Shorts and a tank when there's snow outside, yes please.  In our apartment, I would blast the heat like it was free (because it was, yay for all inclusive rent!) and that spoiled me greatly. Now I've accepted the fact that I must retire my adorable nighties and PJ shorts until summer for sweats and fleece pants. =(

Can I move back to North Carolina please?

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