Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dish Dilemma

Living with someone comes the notion that household tasks are split somewhat evenly. Kunal thinks I have it so easy, I come home at a set time every day and have plenty of time to relax before starting work around the house. However, regardless of my schedule, I think we should contribute 50/50 to keeping our home up to (my) standard. If I clean the kitchen, you should clean the bathroom. if I do the bedroom, the living room is calling your name. And my most favorite; if I cook, you do the dishes.Usually I nag him until he agrees to do them. If they still aren't done by the time I'm getting ready for bed, I start getting antsy. Of course, Kunal assures me that they will be done before I wake up. And usually, they are being done right as I'm waking up. Kunal, too afraid to face my wrath first thing in the morning, wake up earlier than usual to do the dishes before I get to the kitchen and give him mean looks and slam cabinets. Haha

When I go to work on the weekends, I usually leave Kunal with a few tasks to complete by the time I get home. To my amusement, he usually texts me asking when I'm coming home and when I reply with on my way, it's a mad rush to get everything completed before I walk in the door. I don't understand why if you have all day, wait until the last minute to do something. Even when I went to NC for a week, I told him a list of things to do..and what did he do? Wait until the day I came back to get everything done, putting the finishing touches as I walk in the door.

I think the majority of our agruments have been about cleanliness. I am super picky and a bit OCD when it comes to how I want things cleaned, swept, mopped, etc. Slowly, I'm trying to teach Kunal the proper way to clean. Do the dishes as you cook, don't leave your coats on the back of every chair we own, throw away receipts intstead of collecting them on the dining table. Hopefully one day he will understand. Fingers crossed.

Until then, I am looking forward to calling a maid once a month to deep clean our new home. Now that the space has doubled and Kunal still won't do something unless he's told (10 times), I'm definitely going to need the help!

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