Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I've finally realized why time flies so quickly when you're a grown up. The majority of my life consists of work. I've started working 6 days a week, sometimes 7 if I feel like it. All my days just roll together, sometimes I forget the exact day of the week! There really isn't a reason behind me working excessively, it's not mandatory by any means. I just don't mind it. It give me a routine to stick to. It stops me from going shopping and spending money unnecessarily. And I must admit, it is nice to get the extra money.

With working every day, it seems as if my weeks run together and before I knew it, January is over! I honestly don't know how the last year ended so quickly. I feel like it was only last week that we decided to begin our house hunt. And now, we're less than a week away from closing!

Since I work the hours that I do, I get my time to relax every day after work, so I'm never desperately awaiting the weekend to rest. This is why I started working overtime in the first place. If all I do on the weekends is eat out and go shopping, why not just put my energy in at work where I'm being productive and earning extra money. We're definitely going to need it for when we furnish our new place.

Since Kunal is getting busier at work with his deadlines approaching, he has work to do on the weekends as well. Only benefit is he can actually work at home while I must go in. Usually when we're hanging out, we kind of ignore everything else to just enjoy our time with one another. This typically isn't good for all the work Kunal must get done. So the way I see it, I'm also helping him out by not serving as a distraction.

I'm sure that eventually I'll stop working all those extra hours. The days when the sun is out, it's 80 degrees and there's a roof top party in the city to attend sound like a good time to cut back to 40 hours. As for now, as long as the sun sets before 6, there's frost on my car, and a down feather coat on my back, I'll be perfectly fine putting in my excess energy at work.

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