Monday, June 11, 2012

The Travel Bug

Everyone told me that once you 'grow up' you realize just how busy you become. There are 12 weeks until Labor Day weekend and out of those 12 weeks, we are out of the tri-state area for 6. And we'll be out of town for 2 more for some drivable weekend trips to CT and PA. Did I mention we have a trip planned every month after that? We are attending 5 weddings and 1 engagement from now until the end of the year. It will be lots of fun but I feel like I'll defintely miss the lazy weekends at home when the day is my canvas and I do what I please. This past weekend for perfect for that reason. We have no definite plans. We went to dinner with friends on Friday, planned our England trip, shopped, and spent time with more friends Saturday, and ended the weekend with some chores, tennis, and leftovers. It was a very nice "last weekend" at home until the end of the month. 

I love to travel but hate to pack. I like being prepared for any type of situation which usually leads to overpacking. Since many of our trips revolved around Indian events, it just adds to my packing distain. Having to pick our normal clothing and accessories is difficult enough..then to have to throw in Indian outs and their accessories. It takes me hours making sure everything fits, it all has a string where needed, a petticoat for saris, putting together bangles, finding jewelry and a bindi to match. Then there's the shoes! I finally finished last night putting together my Indian outfits for this weekend. I haven't even thought about what clothes I'll be wearing the rest of the time in Chicago. Then there's deciding what makeup is needed, what hair supplies I need to bring. It is SUCH a process.

Our main plan this year was going to go to Hawaii for a real vacation...but the important life events of our nearest and dearest definitely take precedent over vacations, and there is always next year. In order to still have some fun 'us time' we planned getaways where possible.When we are in England, we've booked a 3 day excursion to Paris in the middle of switching from spending time with Kunal's family to mine. Since Hawaii wasn't going to happened this year, the next best thing is Miami. The dates of our timeshare coincided with the anniversary of our civil ceremony so that will be a nice treat. The following month, we are off to Boston for a wedding and we'll end the year out in the South for the holidays. The year is so planned that I feel like it is going to fly by so fast. Before I know it, it'll be my wedding!

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