Monday, August 26, 2013

The Wedding!

After years of being together, we finally tied the knot on March 30, 2013. It was one of the best weekends ever and I loved basically every minute of it. I think that my family along with myself did an incredible job planning the weekend of celebrations which resulted in everyone having a wonderful time and talking about for months and months. Considering I'm posting this almost 5 months later and my aunt and uncle were still raving about how much fun they had, I'd say it was a huge success!

I came home the Saturday before the wedding. Since my sister was also home, it was nice to get family time before all the family came to town. We had appointments to finalize details, itineraries to sort and of course, get pampered, etc so there was lots to do each other. Wednesday officially kicked off festivities as I got my mendhi done. It was a super long process and so glad I don't have to sit there for 8 hours ever again. Thursday, we had mendhi night at my house and it was a fun party and great way to hang out with family and get even more excited for the remaining events. Highlights from this included my Dad's amazing pav bhaji which every loved and ran out quickly.


Friday morning was my pithi, grah shanti, vidhi. I can't believe how super traditional I looked in my sari. It was a fun time and luckily my family is quite nice and didn't turn me into a jaundiced looking bride (unlike Kunal's side where he resembled Homer Simpson by the end of it).

After the vidhi, it was all about hanging out as we waited for Kunal's family to arrived to the hotel. Once the bus arrived, it was party time! I found a fun idea on Pinterest and proceeded to make a beer cake with the help of a friend.

We had garba-raas that evening to kick off the weekend now that everyone was in one place.


Saturday was the big day! It didn't start as smoothly as I would have wanted due to the fact that I woke up when my hair stylist was knocking on my door! Eeks!!! But luckily everything went pretty smoothly after that. My amazing foi dressed me and make sure I looked as fabulous as possible.



After the ceremony was over, we celebrated in the hotel bar until it was time for us to get ready for the reception. 


After taking pictures with our families and bridal party it was time to party!! After the reception  it was the after party in the presidential suite. Such an amazing ending to the day. 


On Sunday, I was going to go back to Myrtle Beach with Kunal's family. After many late nights, early mornings, and continuous partying, we were exhausted and a three hour bus ride was just what we needed. 

Once we arrived, it was time for 'new bride' traditions such as smashing clay pots, putting hand prints on the wall, tipping over a pot of rice, leaving red footsteps as I first enter the house. 


This was followed by playing games..I won, therefore, proving what I knew all along. I will rule. Haha

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend to celebrate. It was so fun yet went by so quickly. I'm glad I can relive it through pictures and video though =)


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