Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No More Winter Break

All throughout school and even for the last 3 years since I graduated, I always, always, without a doubt, took time off around Christmas and New Years. Whether it was to go to India or just to go home, I always enjoyed my mini holiday vacation. This year, I'm only off Christmas Eve/Day and New Year's Eve/Day. This has a lot to do with our families being all over the place. My mom is going to Dallas to spend the holidays with my sister (guess I really do know who the favorite child is). Kunal's mom is in India shopping for the wedding. His brother is going to Las Vegas/LA right after Christmas on a boys trip. My dad is coming to NJ for a wedding. So since it was really only Kunal's dad and sister, we invited them to NJ. His dad declined and said he'd go to Charlotte to see the family there. So now we're playing host to a 15 year old girl for two weeks while we try to go about our normal lives.

Being 15 is a tough age. You're too young to drive but too old to be babied by others. Hopefully Kunal will be able to work from home so she isn't stuck watching TV all day bored out of her mind. I'm going to go ahead and assume that I'll be extremely busy with work since there are many, many, many things that need to be done in order to close out the year smoothly. If my coworker was still here, I would probably take off a couple of days just to spend at home but alas, she is not, therefore I cannot.

We plan on going to the city one day. It's the easiest tourist attraction nearby. We'll grab brunch with the cousins and then wander around the city seeing all the fun holiday decorations. We're going to a show that evening called "How 2 B A New Yorker" which sounds hilarious. If you recall, I went to a similar concept show in Paris and I loved it. It helps that there is a catered Italian dinner to accompany the show so that should be great...oh yea, and a cash bar!

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