Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Beantown Trip

Last Wednesday, we got "hit" with a Nor'ester that, luckily, didn't affect us as much as the news said it would. On Thursday, we drove up to Boston for the weekend. The drive was great, a easy 4 hours with a bit of congestion leaving into the city. We decided to come a day early to see our friends who has moved to Boston. For dinner we went to The Cactus Club where the drinks were great and the enchiladas tasted like Indian curries. No joke, my lobster and shrimp enchiladas has a sauce on them that tasted just like chicken tikka masala curry. I mean, chicken tikka masala is a favorite dish of mine so it wasn't too bad but it was definitely odd. The spicy salsa wasnt spicy and the jalapenos didn't help add some heat to the food. I don't think I would go back unless it was to drink. After dinner we ventured over to Top of the Hub located at the Prudential Center where they have floor to ceiling windows and you get a fun 360 degree view of the city. I enjoy going to very tall buildings in cities so I get a great view of the city lights. After I had my fill of vodka/tonics and the Boston lights, we went to meet up with some more friends at a bar. I'm not sure what gave us the bright idea of having a night cap when we got back to our hotel..but there we were sitting at the hotel bar closing it down as we waited for our pizza to arrive.

Friday, we were a bit on the lazy side as we packed up and got ready to change hotels and go meet Kunal's family and the relatives. It was great to see everyone so soon after seeing them in England. We ate, we drank, I napped a bit. Before we knew it, it was time to go to the Omni for drinks with the rest of the family. I had New England Clam Chowder which is always great. After drinks, since most of the aunties are vegetarians, we went to a Chinese place to get another dinner.

Saturday was the day of the wedding and let me tell you. It was so great to wake up somewhat late and get a good breakfast in before getting ready for the wedding. Now I wish my wedding was in the afternoon! We took a coach bus to the church which was great since driving in Boston is no fun. After the short ceremony, back on the bus we went. The reception was on the top floor. During the cocktail hour, we were able to venture outside and get really great views of the city. There was a live band at the reception which I loved. It kind of reminded me of college frat parties. Live bands are wonderful and it made the reception very fun. After the reception, we went to a bar nearby and continued the fun.

Saturday, there was a brunch at the Omni before everyone went their separate way. After brunch, we walked around and went shopping before Kunal and I made the drive back to NJ.

Here are some pictures:
Kunal and Nishan with their Jijajis

The girl cousins and me

First dance as a married couple

The AKs

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