Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Home Life

With all the travelling we've done so far, it is sometimes so nice to just spend time at home. Case in point, last weekend was the first of 4 straight weekends of us staying home. As close to home as one can be since there are always trips to NYC thrown in the mix.

This weekend was great. I love hosting and having people over for dinner so my aunt, uncle and cousins came over and I whipped up dinner. Usually Kunal and I go to their house but we turned the tables around. The last time we had dinner with them was the beginning of June so it was definitely nice to have a typical Friday night dinner again. I made homemade pizza courtesy of my sister's blog and it was a huge hit. Pizza really is one of my favorite things..next to sushi and mexican and thai..okay I can't really pick one but I do enjoy it. The rest of the weekend was spent running errands, seeing friends, and of course, watching the Olympics.

It's nice to finally settle in a routine again after the constant travelling. It definitely helps being in one place for the wedding planning I'm undertaking (from 8 hours away). I went home for a week and met with and finalize the majority of my vendors. The only one I'm missing is a videographer which will hopefully come together this week or next. It's exciting to start seeing the wedding come together. We had an engagement shoot when we were in NC. I know that I've been engaged for quite some time and it might seem pointless...but I love engagement shoots. They make the couple look so amazing and when you put on the pictures at the wedding, it really does add a little bit extra to that special day. I knew I wanted one for as long as I could remember. Now that I've done it and I;ve gotten the wonderful pictures back, I can see the light is brightening. I remember when it was just a distant goal and now..8 months away!

Between the wedding planning and the Olympics, I am sure time will fly and before I know it, I will be boarding a plane to the UK. Speaking of the UK, I really need to get the ball rolling on my tourist tour of London and Paris. This is going to be one fun trip!

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