Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cutting the Cord

One less thing tying to me to my parents. One step closer to becoming self-sufficient. I finally purchased a NJ auto insurance policy. Now if you know me, of course I had to do go baby steps with it. Kunal, myself, and his car are on this policy and it's already a pretty penny! My car has to wait until we transfer the title from my father's name to mine. Can't imagine how expensive it will be then! The price was reasonable until I gave our license numbers and my fun little speeding ticket from September 2010 popped up and hiked it up. =(

Other than my car, the only thing my parents pay for is my cell phone bill....but I know those days are numbered too. As soon as my contract is up, I am definitely getting rid of Sprint and moving on to the bigger, better Verizon network. And I'm taking my dad with me! Figured he supported my phone habit for the past 9 years, the least I can do it pay for his phone now.

Being a grown up sucks right now. I feel like there is a constant stream of bills to pay and I can't just transfer a whole paycheck to my savings as often as I did before. My savings isn't growing as quickly as I would like and it is not cool. By the time I am done alloting one paycheck to bills and savings, I'm already thinking of what I can use the next one for! We have way too many things to pay off right now so I always think twice when I want to make frivolous purchases. There is still so much I want to do decorating-wise but feel like I need to wait until we have our money under more control. This is super hard becuase I want a lamp here, a bookself there, a storage cabinet in the garage and it all has to wait! My inner creativity is screaming at being held back.

Grown up world : 2 Me: 0

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