Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Renovation Realties

During the month of renovation, I developed an addiction to the DIY Network and HGTV. From The Vanilla Ice Project to Flip or Flop, I slowly became obsessed with home improvement shows. One of my personal favorites is Renovation Realities where ordinary people take on a DIY project in their home. Most of the times it's the kitchen, sometimes it's a bathroom, almost always, it's a major fail. Most people underestimate the time and money involved in tackling a renovation problem. I know that I definitely did when it came to my home. It's also annoying when the wife is whiny and annoying and doesn't want to do any heavy lifting. How can you construct your dream kitchen or bath without being fully hands on? Those are the couples that usually fail at completing their project on time and within budget.

Through some streak of luck and a little letting go, we stayed on schedule (because we decided not to tackle the guest bathroom until later) and only went 98 cents over budget. It was pretty impressive, but that's not to say there wasn't trying times. We later went a little over budget with our round 2, but that's okay because we allowed for a cushion...so we weren't really 'over' in my eyes.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Kunal and I finished our guest bath. It was fun working together and the accomplishment from doing it ourselves was great. We were able to make time to see friends and hang out, all while staying on task of what needed to be completed. The only thing we left for later was the shower rod.

Last weekend, we put all the finishing touches on the renovated parts of our house. We hung out mirrors for in the bathrooms, bought new towels, etc. Now that renovations are over, I'm looking forward to getting back to my first love..DECORATING!