Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Renovations Galore

It's hard to believe that it's the middle of April already! Life has been extremely busy since Puetro Vallarta. Our first weekend home was spent catching up with friends. Kunal being home during the week is a welcome treat and it was nice to have him be social with me during the week.

Our current major project is renovating certain aspects of our home. I am super excited and cannot wait for the finished product. First up is the powder room and kitchen. Eventually the bathrooms upstairs will be redone as well. We have some random things here and there that we want to have done so our house will look so different once it's all done!

I'm looking forward to having a more up to date place to call home. Once projects start coming to a completion, I will post before and after pictures.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Puetro Vallarta

To celebrate our wedding anniversary and as an excuse to get out of NJ, we decided to go to Mexico. We picked Puetro Vallarta and stayed at the Hilton Resort there. It was such a fun vacation and while we did relax and get plenty of sun, we also did a lot of activities. It was a great trip and though it flew though, definitely was the perfect length. Lucky for us we were upgraded on our direct flight to Puetro Vallarta so we were able to relax comfortably. We picked up our cute little Fiat 500 from the airport and headed to our hotel. Driving in a different country really makes you appreciate America's roads and signs and the wonderful GPS most of us probably take for granted. As we waited for our room to be ready, we grabbed lunch and drinks by the pool. Our room was amazing! Not only was it super spacious, with a balcony, we had a rooftop terrace with a jacuzzi! The private jacuzzi was the icing on the cake as we were were a floor below one of the bars. More often than not, we'd go get drinks from the bar and head down to our room to hang out. Since the Hilton is a more family oriented resort, the pool had lots of kids so it was nice to have our own little space to be.

A view of the pool and beach from our room

These rock faces greeted us when we pulled into the resort.

After dinner on our anniversary! Kunal got more of a tan than I did, so jealous.

I went para sailing for the first time which was such a fun experience. Unfortunately, they couldn't let both of us go up together so Kunal said he'd sit out since he has gone before in Hawaii. Then we went jet skiing which was fun. The only other time I did that was on a lake. Being on on the ocean is a lot difference because of the waves. We also did this thing called "Vallarta Adventures" which was one of the best parts of the trip. We went zip lining, did some obstacle courses, and drove UTVs through mud and all that jazz. 

This was such a great vacation and a good start to the hopefully warmer temperatures that should be coming to NJ shortly. We don't have many other trips planned for the rest of the year, just trips to celebrate the important moments in the lives of our friends and family. April is dedicated to home improvements and then my sister and brother in law come in May for a wedding. June will have Kunal's family coming to town for a wedding. In July, we'll head to Dallas for my sister's baby shower.