Monday, March 10, 2014

The Birthday

My birthday is right around the corner. Every year, I get very excited for my birthday and then a little sad. This up and down roller coaster happens without fail. I get excited because I enjoy the attention and the celebrating. I get a little sad when I think of how much my life has changed from my last birthday to my current one. If my life hasn't changed very much, it brings me down. I get a lot sad because the weather is usually still cold and I just want to feel the sun on my skin.

I have to be very in the moment to feel excited about my birthday. I had a great time celebrating on Saturday with friends in the city. I'm looking forward to my actual birthday dinner on Wednesday as well since the restaurant should be amazing. I'll end my 'week of celebrating' this weekend with a trip to Chicago. It will be fun to experience St. Patrick's Day in the windy city, even if it will be really cold...because I will be in the moment celebrating.

Last year, I knew I wanted to go back to school and find a new job. I'm very happy to say that I accomplished both of the goals. I needed some push in the right direction but it all worked out in the end. I enjoy my Master's program immensely even if the classes I'm taking this quarter are not as fulfilling. I think that is due to my professors, they aren't as approachable and responsive as I would have liked. My new job is great, I feel like I'm making a difference and that I'm a necessary part of the current project I'm working on.

I think the only time I got sad was when the weather was really awful. Having survived the ridiculous winter and still have snow in March is not fun. Being home alone or having a minimal social calendar due to the weather is also not fun. Living alone when it's cold outside is no fun.

I'm not sure what goals I want to set for myself this coming year. I think working out regularly tops the list. I work out very sporadically because I have no will power. It helps if I have to be held accountable for meeting a friend up to work out or something of the sort. It takes a lot of incentive for me to gather up my motivation, especially in this cold, cold weather. Once I am working out, it usually isn't a problem and I can get through it.