Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Checklist

I think in order to be truly happy, three things must occur.
One, find your significant other;
two, own your own home;
three, have a career you love.
Now they don't necessarily have to be in that order. I only picked it because that's the list I'm working off of. One, check; two, check; three, no comment.

After talking to multiple people, I find it really hard to find people who have all three...unless you're really grown up and by "really grown up" I mean mid-30s earliest. Although I feel like Kunal has achieved all three..and as usual I'd like to take the credit for it. =D

Patience was never my best quality and I'm so loyal that I would rather "suck it up" than leave something I really think have the potential to turn into something great. I enjoy many aspects of my job, the great location, the flexibility with my hours, the almost unlimited vacation days, and of course the number one reason, the discount...but right now there isn't any room for growth. But there could be and that's one of the reasons why I'm so hesitant to leave.

I'm not the biggest fan of being stagnant. I always want more, and in college, I typicall got it. I guess I was a little naive to think that the working world would be just as easy. College is easy when you gain seniority every year, but in the real world, there are tons of people with tons more experiences and it's a little overwhelming. I feel like I'm wasting the best working years of my life. I'm SO eager to do anything and everything and it's as if I'm standing still in my career. This is beyond frustrating but I'm trying to remember that "everything happens for a reason" and I need to be patient because life usually works itself out in the best way.